
Advertising a health service: Why does ethics matter?
Added:30/08/2023 13:07

Ethics Collaborative: Why advertising a health service appropriately is an ethical obligation.
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About this item

Ethics Collaborative: Why advertising a health service appropriately is an ethical obligation.

Course/Activity Information

Advertising a health service has additional responsibilities to advertising other business types.

How you advertise your business and use social media is part of your professional communication and therefore the same professional standards, legal and ethical obligations apply, as they do to all areas of professional practice.?

Learning objectives

Upon viewing this collaborative, participants will be able to:

  • Describe why advertising a health service appropriately is an ethical obligation.
  • Explain the potential harm to the public from inappropriate advertising.
  • Identify the key criteria and policies your advertising must follow in order to ensure it is ethical advertising.
  • Identify which communication mediums are classified as advertising.
  • Summarise what a testimonial is and understand why they are not used when advertising a speech pathology service or program.
  • Locate further tools and resources available from Speech Pathology Australia to support a business or organisation providing a speech pathology service to use ethical advertising.
  • Create a plan for how to use or review your advertising and ensure it is ethical.

Other information

  • Training Hours: 1.40
Additional Charges May Apply

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